Release time:2020-10-28 10:12:13 Views:Read 164
Cat litter is used by cats to bury and use. When the cat is defecation, the cat litter will absorb the water in the feces and condense into a mass or a block. The cat owner will scoop out the litter of cat litter when cleaning. The cat owner who first raised the cat didn't know how to change the cat litter. Then let's talk about some of the knowledge about cat litter.
1·Add some cat litter when cleaning
After the cat is defecation, the cat owner should clean the cat litter. When cleaning, use the cat litter to shove the cat litter out, then shake the cat litter shovel left and right. The cat litter that does not stand on the feces will be shovel from the cat litter. Dropped in the gap, the cat owner only needs to shovel out the litter of cat litter. If the cat owner finds less cat litter after cleaning, you can add a new cat litter to the litter box and use a cat litter to level it off. You don't need to replace the new litter every time.
2. Change cat litter regularly
Cats have been using cat litter for a long time. Cat litter does not clump or the cat owner loves to clean. The cat owner can completely replace the cat litter. When the cat is replaced, the cat owner pours out the old litter and then cleans the litter. After the pot is cleaned and dried, add 5-8 cm thick cat litter to the litter box. The cat owner should pay attention not to pour too much when pouring the litter, and don't pour too little, otherwise the cat will not like it. . After the pour, the cat owner will pack the old cat litter that has been replaced and take it down the stairs.
3. The choice of cat litter
Cat owners must first confirm which cat litter to choose before choosing cat litter, so there is no direction when choosing. There are many types of cat litter. Cat owners can choose some cat litter that is more convenient when cleaning. For example, tofu cat litter, tofu cat litter is soluble in water, so the cat owner can clean the cat litter. It is convenient to pour the cat litter directly into the toilet.
Tofu cat litter is good in agglomeration, water absorption and deodorization. Cat owners don't have to worry about the big problem when cats eat cat litter when they use it. Interested cat owners can give cats a try on tofu cat litter.
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