

10 mistakes that cat slaves often make about litter bowls and cat litter

Release time:2020-10-28 10:14:00           Views:Read 144

The litter box is a common item in cat life. It may be that each shovel has a cat litter box, but will you really use it?

The litter box also has its own placement and maintenance rules. In general, cat slaves will not understand these rules, and think it would be nice to put some cat litter in one place. When a cat is healthy and has no stress in life, it may be safe. But once the body's disease and stress reach a certain limit, the cat will urinate.

The 10 questions that are often overlooked by the shovel during the use of the litter box are discussed below.


This is the most basic and the biggest impact on cats. The litter box is cleaned at least once a day. When some cats see the last excrement while they are in the toilet, they will choose to go outside the basin.


The cat litter is as large as possible. My own experience is: Choose a litter box for the cat, and roughly measure the length of the cat's head to the tail. The length of the litter box is about 1.2-1.5 times the length of this. If it is a kitten, buy a large one directly. As the cat grows up, you don't have to buy a litter box all the time.


The litter box and the eating bowl are placed too close together. People definitely don't want to eat near the toilet. Similarly, cats don't like it. Eat the bowl as far as possible from the litter box, the best in different rooms. If there is only one room, it is also a good choice to put them on the diagonal.

Is it easy to find

The litter box is placed in an easy-to-find place. Many people think that the cat wants privacy and puts the litter box in a difficult and hidden place, which prevents the cat from finding it. Try not to have obstacles between the cat's activity area and the litter box. And you can't put the litter box in a high place because the cat likes a high place.

Is it noisy?

Cats don't necessarily need visual privacy, but be sure to go to the toilet quietly. Maybe when the cat is in the toilet, people will make noise and the cat will be disturbed. For some cats, after one experience, they may never go to the litter in the litter box.

Cat litter

The amount of litter is also somewhat learned. The litter size of cat litter is 7-13 cm. Some cats prefer shallow sand and some cats prefer deep sand. One trick is to observe the action of using the litter box. If you plan to die, it means that it likes shallow sand. If you don't plan to go to the toilet, it may not matter how much the cat litter.

Cat litter type

There are many types of cat litter, but not every one is suitable for all cats. For example, a two-month-old baby cat is suitable for bean curd or corn sand. And every cat has its own preferences. If the position of the litter box is no problem, the cat has been in the toilet outside the basin, you can consider changing a cat litter.

Whether it is excessively moving

Like cats, cats are also habitual. It likes the lifestyle that you are used to, so it feels safe. If you change the position of the litter box or change the cat litter frequently, the cat may become stressed and will go to the toilet outside the basin. Remember to change your cat's lifestyle, you must be gradual.

Cat litter bowl type

It is roughly divided into closed and unclosed. The trick to judge whether a cat likes a litter box is to see if it is large or not. If you jump out directly, do not bury the stool, indicating that it may not like this type of litter box, it is recommended to change one.


In the multi-cat family, many people think that a lot of cats use a litter box. In fact, this is not advisable. This will add a lot of pressure to them. There is a simple trick to follow: a cat litter is one of the best than a cat.

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